POWERFUL REVENGE AND PROTECTION SPELL +256750810843 in Canberra, Brisbane

  • papa shanka
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2 anos 1 mês atrás #174216 por papa shanka
papa shanka created the topic: POWERFUL REVENGE AND PROTECTION SPELL +256750810843 in Canberra, Brisbane
POWERFUL REVENGE AND PROTECTION SPELL +256750810843 in Canberra, Brisbane, Auckland, Wellington, Adelaide, Perth, Hobart, Jakarta, Taipei, Melbourne, Sidney, Muscat, Dubai, Dammam

Revenge might be the only way forward, to win any battle you have to have more power than the one you are fighting. Revenge spells can be charged to reflect pain inflicted on you onto an enemy, you may wish to give them a good taste of their own medicine and more.
My Revenge spells will offer protection for you and the spell caster and guard from anything backfiring, all the revenge is sent to the villain of the piece and sticks to them no matter what they try. They may believe they are cursed and seek a curse removal spell - our Sticking Revenge Spell is NOT removable and will ensure they have enough problems of their own and no time for interfering in your life ever again. They will be turned into bad luck and misfortune magnet.
We will need ANY but not necessarily all of the following: the names of the person or people you seek revenge on, their address, employment details, phone number, car registration number, photo, description of their appearance, or any information you may have so that we can build up a good picture on them. Andrea will then review the situation using the Necronomicon Tarot which instead of using conventional interpretations, connects with the cosmic forces overshadowing the world, and tells you what will happen, not what may happen.

Call/WhatsApp; +256750810843
Web; www.traditionallovespells.com
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