JoomlaVMDL-excel data import tool for virtuemart

  • guest1
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14 anos 2 semanas atrás #29762 por guest1
guest1 created the topic: JoomlaVMDL-excel data import tool for virtuemart
acabei de achar esse plugin que diz importar a tabela do excell direto pro banco de dados SQL do servidor ... 62&Itemid=

Parece que o uso é fácil:
[i:2qurthqp]How to Use it:
1. develop the tool by java, so users must have jre environment.
2. unzip the zip file,and edit "" file, fill in the correct database information, to replace, xxxx, xxxx text.
3. the Excel file: productlist.xls, fill your product data into it. Attention, Do not modify the first row of the excel file.
4. Run the program - "Run.bat", finish import excel data into Virtuemart!

Excel Field:
name: the name of the product
sku: sku
brank: the first category
module: the secondary category
type: three-level category
descript: product descript
sdescript: product short descript
price: product price [/i:2qurthqp]

Página OFICIAL pra quem quiser testar : ... virtuemart

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[]´s Marcos

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